
BLOG The 5 Types of Positioning Statements

The 5 Types of Positioning Statements

POSTED BY The Prim Pack | Jun 8, 2022

Launching a new product or service isn’t something you take lightly. It requires research, trial and error, and multiple iterations to create something you are confident will perform well when it enters the market.

But over and over again, new products and services enter the market after countless hours of research and money invested, only to fall flat with consumers. Why?
Because they weren’t positioned well.

No, we’re not saying that a solid positioning statement will guarantee your launch is a success. But we are saying that a well-crafted positioning statement can set your new product or service up to better resonate with your audience and succeed.

What is a Positioning Statement?

You might be wondering why on earth your company needs yet another statement to make this launch a success. And it’s true that growing your business successfully requires a lot of statements: a mission station, a vision, a unique value proposition, constant testing, a defined and documented culture, and so much more.

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Unlike statements like your mission or vision statement, your positioning statement is not public-facing. It’s not specifically something you put on your website, share with your audience, or email to your contacts. 

Instead, your positioning statement is an internal document that significantly influences all marketing and sales content related to the launch of your product or service. A positioning statement includes a brief description of your product or service and how it uniquely meets a specific need in the marketplace. 

Your positioning statement determines exactly what you will say about this product and how you will say it. It also influences how your sales reps talk about your product or service with serious prospects. 

In the same way that your mission and vision statements keep your brand focused toward a very specific end, your positioning statement keeps your content focused on what matters most in launching your new item or service line. 

How to Create a Positioning Statement

So. Positioning statements. Kind of important for setting yourself up for a successful launch.

Let’s dive into how to create yours. 

First things first. Your positioning statement should include

  1. A brief description of your product or service
  2. How it meets a very specific need in the market
  3. Who most benefits from this product or service
  4. The specific benefits for your consumer
  5. What sets your product or service apart from the competition

These components are critical to building a strong positioning statement. Here are some key things to keep in mind as you’re building out your positioning statement for your launch.

  • Everything should be influenced by your target audience
  • Keep your statement simple and brief, but memorable. 
  • Be specific in the benefits of your product or service. 
  • Consistently emphasize the value and benefits for your consumer. Constantly.
  • Get feedback from your teammates to make sure everything in your positioning statement is accurate.

Different Types of Positioning Statements

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Ok. Congratulations. You are well on your way to writing the world’s best positioning statement. But before you start celebrating, you first need to hone in and focus to determine the best type of positioning statement for you. Here are five to get you started. 


Instead of focusing on the features of your product or service, focus on the benefits for your customer. How will their life be different because of what you are offering?


If your focus is on a specific industry, then write your positioning statement with words and phrases that fit that industry.


The riches are in the niches, and your positioning statement should hone in on any specific niche that your product or service fits. If your scheduling software is best fit for restaurants, don’t cast a broad net – focus on food service. 


If you’re a B2B company, then your positioning statement should be targeted to the person at a company who is most likely to need your product or service. For example, your scheduling software should be targeted to restaurant managers who are tired of asking who is supposed to be manning the register. 


Cost is an important consideration for anyone making a decision about your company, so don’t feel like it’s something to avoid. People are willing to pay for incredible value, particularly when that cost could help them make money or make significant cuts to their budget. 

Once you’ve created your positioning statement, your team will use it to influence everything from social posts to the layout of pages on your website that are dedicated to this launch.

The end result is that every single thing related to the launch of this product or service is cohesive and perfectly designed to target the right customers at the right time.

Just One Piece of Your Brand’s Puzzle 

Just like a single scoop of ice cream, a positioning statement on its own is never enough. 

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Instead, it’s a key piece to the entire puzzle that is your brand and business growth. Besides a positioning statement, you need the foundation of your mission and core values. You need a strong brand and visual branding, a robust website that converts, and a solid product (or service) that is sure to delight customers. Get them all right, and the end results will align perfectly. Get off on just one, and the entire picture gets out of whack. 

This is why you need a partner – someone who can help you work each piece into place without wasting time and money on mistakes. Want to see how much better it can be to build your brand, craft your positioning statement, and convert leads to customers with the right partner?

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About the writer, The Prim Pack

Primitive is a full-service digital agency specializing in strategy, branding, web development, and technology solutions. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to helping businesses grow, our team crafts digital experiences that make an impact.