
BLOG Everyone Needs a Glow Up: A New Look for a Trusted Business

Everyone Needs a Glow Up: A New Look for a Trusted Business

POSTED BY Danielle Holmes | Oct 5, 2022

About Peoples Bank

Peoples Bank is a community bank, with branches across Texas. They got their start in 1999, in Lorenzo, Texas. Since then, they’ve added eleven other locations across the state. And they also offer in-house loan services. They’re ag lending experts and have a dedicated Home Loan Center. What really sets them apart from competitors is their focus on customer service.

PrimBlog_Oct_2 copy 12The Vision

A glow up from their former site, built in 2015, by Primitive. They envisioned a UX friendly website with simple navigation and fewer steps for a potential customer to contact them. They also wanted to make it easy for current customers to access vital information like banking holidays, speciality loan products, and logins.

As an established business, the website also needed to feel fresh AND like their existing brand. They needed a refresh, not a rebrand.

The Brief

  • UX focus
  • Mobile-first design
  • Easy navigation
  • Highlight lending services
  • Show their expertise
  • Give the website a modern, creative refresh
  • Reflect their established brand

The Team

Account Manager: Jeter Cotton

Developer: Matthew James 

Web Strategist & Copywriter: Danielle Holmes

Designer: Morgan Mann

Our Approach

Peoples Bank is a long-time Primitive client. We not only created their last website, but also partner with them on other digital marketing projects. And since the start of that partnership, we’ve also changed our approach to web design—going from a traditional model, to a GDD approach.

Why Choose GDD Website Design

Our agency, Primitive, specializes in the GDD approach. GDD stands for Growth-Driven Design. Basically, GDD means we build one page at a time, with a launchpad that can stand on its own and quick-launch. You don’t have to wait six months or a year to launch your site. 

The tl;dr on GDD: 

  • It saves you money
  • It launches sooner
  • There are fewer redesigns
  • We can respond to real-time change and feedback based on data and customer feedback

If you’re curious about our step-by-step process, read here. For Peoples Bank, because of the compliance steps in the financial industry, they opted for a traditional launch. 

How We Created the Peoples Bank Website

We started by taking the time to hear what Peoples Bank needed and wanted on the new site. After that, our strategist did market research to better understand the needs of the industry. After completing initial research, our designer and copywriter worked collaboratively to create functional, calming, and easy-to-navigate design and copy.

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The Pages

  • Home
  • About
  • Personal Banking & Lending
  • Business Banking & Lending
  • Home Loans
  • Ag Lending
  • News
  • Locations
  • Resources


Sticky Navigation for Easy Log In

We wanted existing customers to be able to sign in to their personal or business accounts—no matter where they were on the website.

Tabbed Content 

We wanted an easy way for a user to explore all services Peoples Bank had for individuals and businesses. We subbed tabbed content with easy navigation for the previous site’s multiple pages.

Showcasing Brand Values

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We love the authentic Peoples Bank images paired with their promises to clients. Peoples Bank’s promises speak to who they actually are, not just their services.


We think that knowing more about a big decision, like a home loan, can help someone feel comfortable taking the next step. So we showcased the mortgage process with Peoples Bank.

Eye-Catching Movement

We wanted the luxe feel of movement on the new site. Don’t get us wrong, a static site is fantastic and

can be an effective tool. But, adding movement elevates content and the feel of an entire site.

We’re pretty infatuated with the new Peoples Bank site.

And if any of these elements catch your eye, we’d love to see how we can glow up your site!

web consultation


About the writer, Danielle Holmes

Danielle has been telling stories her whole life. And for the last five years she’s been telling the stories of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and companies bringing quality products and services to customers. Danielle got her start in academia. With degrees in English and anthropology, she spent more than half a decade learning how to ask questions, tell stories, and do thorough research. Her approach uses ethnographic interview and coding techniques to better understand brands and clients. She listens for key words, recurring topics, and core ideas to know the client and their ideal audience. She uses that data and understanding to tell stories—true to brands—that create loyal customers.