Maybe your business budget doesn’t have the space for a new website? Or maybe your company added a product line or did a slight pivot and you need an update? If that’s what you’re looking for, we’ve got five easy ways to update your website!
1) Do a Content Audit
When was the last time you updated your website content? Content includes photos and copy. Grab a piece of paper or open a Google Doc and start on your home page. Make a note of any copy that doesn’t reflect your current brand and annotate any outdated photos. These photos could include employees that no longer work for you, products or services you no longer provide, or those employee headshots that are more than two years old.
2) Update Photos and Branding
Schedule a brand photo shoot! This includes your employee headshots and current product or service offerings. Also consider if your logo may need an update. This logo update may be subtle. We love taking a page from these car manufacturers. Their logos are still recognizable, they just have a more stream-lined contemporary feel. Once you get those eye-popping photos and sleek logos back, plug them into existing sections of your website. This is an instant glow up!
3) Tell Your Story In Existing Spaces
Have you ever been asked to write your own bio or your own letter of recommendation for a boss, mentor, or professor? It feels awkward. Web copy can feel difficult to write. But, in the end, it’s your brand’s story. The story of how you help your customer solve a problem. So, use this format and plug updated, story-telling copy in existing website sections.
4) Update Your Metadata
This update isn’t a beautiful, front end update. But, updated metadata is good for SEO and will make your site more visible across the web. AND if your company has different offerings, products, a new name, or did a complete pivot, your metadata should reflect this. Writing metadata can take a little copy massaging, but here are the basics:
- SEO TItle Tags should be between 50-187 characters, name your brand, and concisely name the website page
- Meta descriptions should be up to 155 characters and use keywords to describe your brand and what information the website page offers your ideal customer

5) Announce Your Refresh With a Mini-Relaunch
These easy steps can completely change your site. Embrace and celebrate your website accurately reflecting your brand. A social media and newsletter campaign to announce these changes can bring new clients to your site and revive the interest of prior clients.
We’d love to hear about your refresh! Grab a screenshot and DM on IG, FB, or LinkedIn!
And if you want a team of experts to help guide your refresh, our web team would love to help you tell your brand story!