When you evaluate your business, you probably think long and hard about things like your marketing strategy, your overall budget and ways to trim, or your company culture and whether or not it is serving your team well.
But something you might not evaluate quite as often is your sales strategy. This is actually very understandable, because it’s easy to think of sales as something that is dependent upon leads generated from marketing, and as something that either succeeds or doesn’t. But, your sales strategy is much more productive than that, and it’s something you can consistently refine and improve. The best way to make sure you’re reaching your maximum sales potential? A sales audit.
Audits aren’t just for the IRS. They’re a powerful way for you and your team to evaluate your work and determine where you can improve things to reach your revenue goals. While a sales audit might sound complex or intense, it’s pretty straightforward. You and your team go over each of the components that makes up your sales cycle or process. What is working? Where do you have gaps, holes, or bottlenecks that keep you from closing deals? Are you doing something to turn prospects away?
It’s important to note that an audit like this needs to be done with both marketing and sales. While this is not a direct audit of your marketing efforts, their input and thoughts matter because of the close relationship that should exist between these teams.
Your sales audit will be unique to your business and your needs, but there are a few components it should include no matter what. As you’re going through these different components, keep your revenue goals close at hand.
Conducting a sales audit is an important and necessary step in positioning your company for success and growth. Evaluating each of these components of your current sales process will help you determine what your team needs to meet your revenue goals.
Our experience with our own business and with our clients has given us the tools and knowledge to help businesses conduct sales audits. If you’re interested in learning more about this service, we’d love to set up a time to meet with you and learn about your business and help you develop a plan for growth in the year ahead. Click the image below to learn more!